Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Existence of God (Part 1)

                Okay, summer is over and it's time to get back to writing!  I'm excited about this next series.  We are going to look at God and His existence.  Just like with "The Authentic Word of God" series, I want to examine this new topic in several different ways.  I want to try to show that we must acknowledge God's existence whether we have the Bible or not.  But since we have proven the Bible to be true in the last series, we can use its words to undeniably display the existence of God.  Finally, I want to address a few arguments and questions concerning God's nature.   If you are ready to explore, let's go!

                There is something we must recognize as Christians before we try to prove God's existence.  Sometimes we can get absorbed in proving biblically related arguments and trying to figure it out ourselves that we miss the big picture: God exists whether we like it or not!  A pastor, whom I greatly respect and encourage you to listen to, discussed this issue (seriously, you have to check this guy out; he's the best speaker I have ever listened to).  His name is Eric Ludy with the Church at Ellerslie (you can learn more about him and listen to his sermons at www.ellerslie.com), and he had this to say: 

                "Two plus two equals four.  And no matter what you do, it will always equal four; no matter how you feel about it, it will equal four; no matter your experience on planet earth of having bad experiences with the number two, it makes no difference!  Two plus two equals four!  In other words, you have no say in it.  It is true outside of you.  It is known as a fact.  And God is fact!  He is not wishful thinking.  That is a very important thing for you to notate in your soul because the enemy will make an appeal and he will say, 'Look at this.  The natural evidence says this God is merely a concept, God is merely an illusion, God is merely a thought.'  No, God is fact.  God is real.  God is true...  ...There is a north whether you acknowledge there is a north or not.  Two plus two equals four whether you acknowledge it or not...  ...Two plus two equals four - it always will.  God is who He says He is and He defines truth.  Whatever God says goes!"  ("The Anatomy of Faith" sermon by Eric Ludy)   

                It's a very good illustration.  No matter what we would like to believe or what our personal experiences tell us, God is real and He exists.  I've never really viewed God as a fact.  I mean, I've recognized Him as actually existing, but to say that He is a fact puts it in much stronger terms.  We must think this way as Christians: God is God and that's the way it is.

                Here is the challenge: Since God is real, have you made your faith real or is it a nice little way of living based on the notion that God might possibly be around?  Live your life in such a way that those around face the fact that God exists.  Face that fact in your own life as well.


1 comment:

  1. Very good point! Can't wait to see the rest of the series!
